Orenitram Is the Only Oral Prostacyclin Mimetic for PAH1
Prostacyclin Is Important for Normal Lung Function2
Naturally produced prostacyclin is a potent vasodilator that has antithrombotic and antiproliferative properties.3 Patients with PAH may have a prostacyclin deficiency in their lungs.2,4

*Prostacyclin synthase expression was evaluated in pulmonary artery tissue obtained from patients with PAH (n=12) and patients without PAH (n=7).2
As a Prostacyclin Mimetic, Treprostinil Acts on Multiple Receptors3,5,6
Prostacyclin mimetics are synthetic drugs designed to supplement the endogenous prostacyclin that patients with PAH may be lacking.2,7
The Mechanism of Action of Orenitram Targets 3 of the Major Pathologic Changes That Occur in PAH1,8
Vessel Affected by PAH

Orenitram directly dilates pulmonary and systemic arterial vascular beds
Platelet aggregation
Orenitram inhibits platelet aggregation
Smooth muscle proliferation
Orenitram inhibits smooth muscle cell proliferation
Prostacyclin Is One of the 3 Established Pathways in PAH3,8,9
Targeting multiple pathogenic pathways is now standard of care.10
pathway3Nitric oxide
Established Clinical Efficacy
Learn how Orenitram may provide clinical improvement for patients who need it.
Adverse Effects
See the most common adverse effects associated with Orenitram.
Orenitram Patient Profiles
See profiles of patients who may benefit from timely clinical intervention with Orenitram.